About Us

About Seventh-day Adventists

Seventh-day Adventists believe and confess…

  that every person’s deep need is to know God through a personal relationship with Him, who said, “I am the way, the truth and the life.” – John 14:6
the Bible is the inspired word of God and very accurately portrays salvation history, and has inexhaustible truths open to our perception as we study and walk in its light, and is our most reliable guide to eternal life. – 2 Tim. 3:16   
God is our benevolent Creator and Sustainer, existing as a triune family of equal, eternal beings – Father (Ancient of Days), Jesus Christ (Saviour), and Holy Spirit (Guide and Comforter). – John 1:1-3, 14; Heb. 1:1-3; John 15:26
man, by nature, is mortal, sinful and lost. “For all have sinned and come short of the glory of God.” Jesus came to seek and save the lost. – Job 14:12-14; Job 4:17; 1 Tim. 6:15,16; Rom. 3:23
righteousness is a gift from God received only by faith, which, in turn, produces good works in the life. – Rom. 3:24,26; 4:3-5; Eph. 2:8,9
immortality is the gift of God, and is received only through Christ. – 1 Cor. 15:51-55; Rom. 2:7
our redemption and restoration are derived from a “new birth” experience, accepting Christ as personal Saviour from sin (justification), henceforth allowing His kingly reign on the throne of our hearts (sanctification). – John 3:3; John 3:16; 2 Peter 3:18
baptism by Spirit (acceptance and endowment of the Holy Spirit) and by water (full immersion after Jesus’ example) is essential to salvation. – John 4; Mark 1:9, 10; Rom. 6:3-5; Matt. 28:18-20
that the original 7th day Sabbath has never been changed by divine authority, and all Christians are obligated to keep it holy. – Gen. 2:2,3; Luke 23:52; 24:1; Ex. 20:8-11; Luke 14:16
Christ is now ministering on our behalf in the Heavenly Sanctuary. – Hebrews 7:22-28; 8:1-6; 9:24; 12:1-2; 4:14-16
Jesus will return to Earth a second time, literally, personally, and visible to all. – John 14:1-3; Acts 1:11; Matt. 24:30
the dead are asleep (unconscious) in the grave. – Eccl. 9:5; John 11:11-14
a continuing practice of the Ordinance of Humility and the Lord’s Supper, as Jesus commanded, will honour His sacrifice ‘til He comes again. – John 13:4-17; 1 Cor. 11:23-26
God bestows fruits and gifts of the Spirit as He chooses, including the Gift of Prophecy. – Eph. 4:8-11; Gal. 5; Rev. 12:17, 19:10
support of the gospel will be shared with gladness by believers through faithful tithes and offerings. – Lev. 27:30; Mal. 3:8-11; Matt. 23:23. 
born again Christians will choose to live temperately, discarding any unhealthful practices in the use of recreational drugs and unclean foods, manifesting modesty in dress and deportment, and shunning questionable amusements. – 1 Tim. 2:9-11; Matt. 24:37-44; James 1:27; 1 John 2:15-17; Eph. 2:8,9